BBC quotes

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Oh, but clues are what you’re supposed to find in a detective story.

Dennis Potter (2003)

NICOLA: You need to write something new. Something real.
DAN: Like what?
NICOLA: Like this, like everything that’s happening right now. Not a silly detective story. Something real.

Dennis Potter (2003)

Nobody knows any machinery. Nobody can give you any deeper explanation of [the two-slit experiment] than I have given; that is, a description of it.

Richard Feynman (1965)

There should be somewhere in the works some kind of principle that uxles only make wuxles, and never vice versa, and [this] would be the thing that makes the whole phenomena of the world seem to go one way. But we have not found this yet.

Richard Feynman (1965)

[T]he earth’s gravitational field never ends, but peters out very slowly in a precise and careful law, probably to the edges of the Universe.

Richard Feynman (1965)

A new idea is extremely difficult to think of. It takes a fantastic imagination

Richard Feynman (1965)

The law of inertia has no known origin.

Richard Feynman (1965)

Nobody knows how it can be like that.

Richard Feynman (1965)

I believe that the theory that space is continuous is wrong ….

Richard Feynman (1965)