Cornell University quotes

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The mathematical language … refuses to talk about what actually happens, beyond giving you the odds for the various possibilities.

David Mermin (1999)

In general, an entire spacetime … can only be seen by an observer either in the infinite future or outside the universe. This is unphysical, so …

Fotini Marcopoulou (1999)

[W]e will work with a microscopic theory that is a pre-spacetime quantum theory. … A quantum information processor which can be used as a pre-spacetime theory.

Fotini Marcopoulou (2006)

[I]t may be possible to have an underlying (“micro”) time without running into the observationally excluded preferred frame.

Fotini Marcopoulou (2007)

… unlikely that micro and macrolocality will coincide …

Fotini Marcopoulou (2006)

Cosmology is the scientific attempt to answer fundamental questions of mythical proportion: How did the universe come to be? How did it evolve? How will it end?

— Charles Lineweaver (2003)

Once the shadows of [special relativity] are cast away, the … broad features of our universe emerge easily enough. The difficulty has not been the mathematics, but the psychology.

Tao Kiang (2003)

[Quantizing a classical theory] has been pursued by general relativists for more than half a century.

Bei-Lok Hu (2006)

Now, what exactly is meant by the ‘origin’ of the Universe? How did it come into being? Could it be avoided? And, more provocatively, what is before the Big Bang? These are the ultimate questions human beings are privileged enough to ask and to think.

Bei-Lok Hu (2006)